Preet Aujla

I'm Preet Aujla, an IT Consultant with a rich background in diverse programming environments and a zeal for technological problem-solving. With 10 years of experience under my belt, I've mastered languages from Web Development, and frameworks like React.js, Express.js and MongoDB, applying them to create impactful solutions in business sectors. My approach blends deep technical expertise with a keen understanding of client visions, ensuring tailored solutions that drive business success. Committed to lifelong learning and innovation, I'm on a perpetual quest to harness the latest technologies to deliver excellence. Let's connect and unlock new possibilities for your business with cutting-edge IT strategies.

Convert List to Dataframe

18 Ways to Convert List to Dataframe in Python (with code)

Introduction Python’s versatility is one of its most powerful features, especially when it comes to data manipulation. In data science, converting lists to DataFrames is a common operation, and Python provides multiple ways to achieve this. Here, we explore eight methods to convert a list into a DataFrame using the pandas library, complete with code …

18 Ways to Convert List to Dataframe in Python (with code) Read More »

30 Must-Have Python Libraries for Data Science in 2024

Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. Python, with its simplicity and large ecosystem, has become the go-to language for data scientists around the world. For those diving into Python data science tutorials and libraries, here are ten …

30 Must-Have Python Libraries for Data Science in 2024 Read More »

How to solve the Monkey & Banana Prolog Problem?

% Monkey World simple 2023 to be discussed in L6, L7 move(state(middle, onbox, middle, hasnot), grasp, state( middle,onbox,middle,has)). /* move(state(P, onbox, P, H), %unc1 unclimb, state( P,onfloor,P,H)). */ move(state( P, onfloor, P, H), climb, state( P,onbox,P,H)). /* move(state( P, onbox, P, H), %unc2 unclimb, state( P,onfloor,P,H)). */ move(state( P, onfloor, P, H), push( P,P1), state( …

How to solve the Monkey & Banana Prolog Problem? Read More »

Prolog Assignment Help, Prolog Homework Help

Problem – “The Significance of the Empty Clause in Resolution-Based Theorem Proving in Prolog”

This exercise uses logical notation, not computer science notation. In the notation/terminology used in the “Propositional Logic” handout for ISC321 the disjunctions a ∨ b ∨ c ∨ ¬e ,  b ∨ ­¬c ∨ d ∨ f and ¬b are the three clauses {a, b, c, ¬e} , { b, ­¬c, d, f } and …

Problem – “The Significance of the Empty Clause in Resolution-Based Theorem Proving in Prolog” Read More »

Dutch National Flag Algorithm

Dutch National Flag Algorithm

In the field of computer science, algorithms often take inspiration from real-world events, and the Dutch national flag algorithm is a prime example. This algorithm, although seemingly abstract, has its roots deeply embedded in the vibrant tricolor of the Dutch national flag. Let’s embark on a journey to understand its origins, design, and the historical …

Dutch National Flag Algorithm Read More »

Where to get Java Homework Help?

Where to get Java homework help?

Java, a universally favoured programming language, is a catalyst for creating diverse applications across a multitude of platforms. The demand for adept Java developers has skyrocketed, making the prospect of mastering this language tantalizing for many. Consequently, there’s an influx of eager learners seeking out Java courses, hoping to become fluent in this digital tongue. …

Where to get Java homework help? Read More »

men with speaker announcing exponent in java

How to create Java Code to find the Exponent of a Number? Get Complete Java code to find Exponent in Java

Today we will learn – “How to find an exponent in Java?” Before getting into the final code implementations, let me ask you one question – What is Exponent in Mathematics? Any power p or any given number n right? The power to which a base number is raised is represented by an exponent, which …

How to create Java Code to find the Exponent of a Number? Get Complete Java code to find Exponent in Java Read More »