Scnerio Writing Project for Final Year Students


Please read this information carefully and make sure you understand the assignment.

Proposed Solutions and Outcomes

Now that you have analyzed the three different scenarios and identified the most appropriate group decision-making technique for each, it’s time to propose possible solutions and evaluate their outcomes.

For each scenario, propose at least two possible solutions and explain how you arrived at these solutions. Then, choose the best solution and justify your decision based on the information you have gathered from the background readings.

For each proposed solution, also identify the potential outcomes and explain how these outcomes could impact the company. Consider both short-term and long-term outcomes, as well as any potential risks or drawbacks associated with each solution.

You MUST work and participate in your group to brainstorm possible solutions and reach a consensus for the best solution, using the group decision-making strategies and techniques covered in this course.

Your paper should be 2000-2500 words in length:

In your paper, you should also include a comparison of the solutions proposed for each scenario. Which solution is the best overall, and why? How do the potential outcomes of each solution compare, and what are the key factors that influenced your decision?

Assignment Criteria

  • Propose at least two possible solutions for each scenario and choose the best solution for each.
  • Explain the rationale behind each proposed solution and justify your choice of the best solution. Identify the potential outcomes of each solution and evaluate their impact on the company.
  • Consider both short-term and long-term outcomes, as well as any potential risks or drawbacks associated with each solution.
  • Compare the solutions proposed for each scenario and determine the best overall solution, explaining the key factors that influenced your decision.
  • Use in-text citations and a bibliography following the APA citation style to reference your sources of information.

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