What is stoi & how to use C++ stoi() function in C++? (Syntax, Example & Use Cases)

What is stoi function in C++

Importance of String to Integer Conversion

Programming, as a dynamic and evolving discipline, frequently demands the manipulation and transformation of data. Among these transformative tasks, the conversion of information from strings to integers stands out as particularly significant. This operation enables programmers to adeptly handle a myriad of scenarios, ranging from user inputs to configuration settings and various forms of data represented in string format.

The significance of this conversion lies in its ability to bridge the gap between textual data and numerical processing, facilitating a harmonious integration of diverse data types within a program. String to integer conversion is not merely a technical nuance; it serves as a foundational mechanism, underpinning countless applications across the spectrum of software development.

Navigating the Landscape of stoi

As an integral component of the C++ Standard Library, the stoi function emerges as a powerful and versatile tool specifically designed to address the challenges posed by string-to-integer conversion. Its inclusion in the standard toolkit attests to its reliability, efficiency, and broad applicability.

In the subsequent sections of this tutorial, we delve into the syntax, examples, and use cases of stoi, aiming to equip developers with a comprehensive understanding of this function. From handling basic conversions to addressing potential pitfalls and advanced scenarios, the exploration of stoi is poised to empower programmers in leveraging its capabilities to their fullest extent. This introduction serves as a stepping stone, laying the foundation for a nuanced exploration of stoi and its practical applications within the expansive landscape of C++ programming.

std::stoi Function in C++

Understanding stoi() Function

In the intricate world of C++ programming, the stoi() function stands as a powerful built-in tool designed to seamlessly convert strings to integers. This section delves into the intricacies of this function, providing a detailed explanation, exemplary use cases, and insights into its pivotal role in handling string inputs and extracting numeric values.

Explanation of stoi() Function:

At its core, stoi() is a part of the C++ Standard Library and serves as a robust mechanism for converting strings that represent numeric values into their integer counterparts. The name ‘stoi’ itself is an acronym for “string to integer.” The function is particularly valuable when dealing with user inputs, configuration settings, or any scenario where data is initially captured as strings but needs to be processed numerically.


int stoi(const std::string& str, size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10);
  • str: The string to convert to an integer.
  • pos: A pointer to an object of type size_t to store the position of the next unconverted character in the string. This parameter is optional.
  • base: The numerical base for the conversion (default is 10).

Role in Handling String Inputs:

The primary purpose of stoi() is to tackle the common scenario where data is received as strings, and the program requires numeric values for computation. Consider a situation where user input is captured as a string, but the application necessitates an integer for further processing. stoi() gracefully handles this transition, offering a concise and effective means of converting textual data to its numerical equivalent.

Example: Basic Conversion

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string str = "123";
    int result = std::stoi(str);

    std::cout << "Converted Integer: " << result << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, the string “123” is converted to an integer using stoi(), and the result is then displayed. This straightforward application showcases the simplicity and efficiency of stoi() in handling basic string-to-integer conversions.

Example: Handling Errors

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>

int main() {
    std::string str = "abc";

    try {
        int result = std::stoi(str);
        std::cout << "Converted Integer: " << result << std::endl;
    } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
        std::cerr << "Error: Invalid Argument - " << e.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;

This example demonstrates how stoi() can be used within a try-catch block to handle scenarios where the string cannot be converted to an integer, such as when the input is “abc.”

Extracting Numeric Values:

Beyond basic conversions, stoi() excels in efficiently extracting numeric values from strings, discarding non-numeric characters. This feature enhances its utility in scenarios where strings may contain additional information, and the program requires only the numeric component.

Example: Extracting Numeric Values

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string mixedStr = "The price is $25.50";
    size_t pos;

    int numericValue = std::stoi(mixedStr, &pos);

    std::cout << "Extracted Numeric Value: " << numericValue << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Next Unconverted Character Position: " << pos << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, the string “The price is $25.50” is converted to an integer using stoi(). The function efficiently extracts the numeric value, discarding non-numeric characters, and the position of the next unconverted character is also determined.

Understanding the stoi() function goes beyond its syntax – it involves grasping its role in transforming string representations of numeric values into usable integers. Whether handling user inputs, parsing data from external sources, or ensuring data integrity, stoi() stands as a versatile and indispensable tool within the C++ programmer’s toolkit.

Syntax of C++ stoi() Function:

The syntax of the stoi() function in C++ is designed to be straightforward yet versatile, catering to a variety of scenarios where conversion from strings to integers is required. Let’s break down the syntax to make it accessible for learners, elucidating each component and its significance.


int stoi(const std::string& str, size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10);

Breakdown of Syntax:

  1. int:

    • Specifies the return type of the function. In this case, stoi() returns an integer, representing the converted numeric value.
  2. stoi(:

    • Initiates the stoi() function call, indicating the beginning of the conversion process.
  3. const std::string& str:

    • The first parameter is the string (str) that you want to convert to an integer.
    • const indicates that the function does not modify the input string.
    • std::string& signifies that the input is a reference to a string object, allowing efficient handling of large strings without unnecessary copying.
  4. , size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10:

    • These are optional parameters that provide additional flexibility and functionality to the stoi() function.
  5. ):

    • Marks the end of the function call.

Parameters and Their Meanings Explained in Detail:

  1. const std::string& str:

    • This is the mandatory parameter representing the string to be converted.
    • const ensures that the function does not modify the original string.
    • std::string& indicates that the function expects a reference to a string object, promoting efficiency.
  2. size_t* pos = 0:

    • This is an optional parameter, and if provided, it expects a pointer to a size_t object.
    • It is used to store the position of the next unconverted character in the input string.
    • If not provided (default value is 0), this information is not stored.
  3. int base = 10:

    • Another optional parameter specifies the numerical base for the conversion.
    • By default, the base is set to 10, implying decimal conversion.
    • This parameter allows users to specify different bases, such as binary (base 2) or hexadecimal (base 16).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string str = "123";
    size_t pos;

    int result = std::stoi(str, &pos);

    std::cout << "Converted Integer: " << result << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Next Unconverted Character Position: " << pos << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, the syntax is applied in a practical context. The string “123” is converted to an integer using stoi(), and the result, as well as the position of the next unconverted character, is displayed.

Understanding the syntax and parameters of stoi() is essential for harnessing its power in various scenarios, from basic conversions to more advanced use cases in C++ programming.

Examples of Using stoi() Function:

The stoi() function in C++ is a versatile tool for converting strings to integers. To provide a comprehensive understanding of its application, let’s explore different examples showcasing its usage in various scenarios.

Basic Example: Demonstrating a Simple Conversion:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string str = "123";
    // Basic conversion from string to integer
    int result = std::stoi(str);

    std::cout << "Converted Integer: " << result << std::endl;

    return 0;

Explanation: In this basic example, the string “123” is converted to an integer using stoi(). The result is then printed, illustrating the straightforward use of stoi() for basic string-to-integer conversions.

2. Handling Errors: Discussing Scenarios and Exception Handling:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>

int main() {
    std::string str = "abc";

    try {
        // Attempting to convert a non-numeric string
        int result = std::stoi(str);
        std::cout << "Converted Integer: " << result << std::endl;
    } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
        // Handling invalid argument exception
        std::cerr << "Error: Invalid Argument - " << e.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;

Explanation: This example demonstrates error handling when attempting to convert a non-numeric string (“abc”) using stoi(). In such cases, stoi() throws a std::invalid_argument exception. The program uses a try-catch block to gracefully handle this exception, preventing the program from crashing and providing an informative error message.

3. Advanced Usage: Exploring stoi() in More Complex Situations:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

int main() {
    std::string mixedData = "The price is $25.50";

    // Extracting the numeric value from a mixed string
    size_t pos;
    int numericValue = std::stoi(mixedData, &pos);

    std::cout << "Extracted Numeric Value: " << numericValue << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Next Unconverted Character Position: " << pos << std::endl;

    // Handling non-integer parts of the mixed string
    double decimalValue;
    std::istringstream(mixedData.substr(pos)) >> decimalValue;

    std::cout << "Extracted Decimal Value: " << decimalValue << std::endl;

    return 0;

Explanation: In this advanced usage example, a mixed string (“The price is $25.50”) contains both numeric and non-numeric parts. stoi() is utilized to extract the initial numeric value, and the position of the next unconverted character is determined. Subsequently, a std::istringstream is employed to convert the remaining substring (containing decimal information) to a double. This showcases the adaptability of stoi() in more complex scenarios where numeric data is embedded within a string.

These examples collectively illustrate the versatility of the stoi() function, ranging from simple conversions to error handling and addressing more intricate scenarios where string manipulation and extraction are involved. Understanding these use cases empowers programmers to wield stoi() effectively in diverse programming contexts.

Atoi vs stoi: Choosing the Right Function

Comparison between atoi and stoi functions in C++:

1. atoi Function:

  • The atoi function is a legacy function inherited from the C programming language.
  • It converts a string to an integer and is part of the C Standard Library.
  • Lacks robust error handling; it returns 0 for conversion failures without providing detailed information.
  • Does not handle whitespace well, leading to potential inaccuracies in conversion.
  • It is not type-safe, as it does not distinguish between successful and unsuccessful conversions.

2. stoi Function:

  • The stoi function is part of the C++ Standard Library and provides enhanced features over atoi.
  • Offers better error handling through exceptions, throwing std::invalid_argument and std::out_of_range for invalid input or out-of-range values.
  • Handles whitespace more gracefully, ignoring leading whitespaces and converting numeric values accurately.
  • Type-safe as it returns a value of type int and allows better control over error scenarios.

Advantages of using stoi over atoi in modern C++ programming:

  1. Error Handling:

    • stoi throws exceptions, making it easier to detect and handle errors during string-to-integer conversion.
    • atoi relies on return values, which might not provide sufficient information in case of errors.
  2. Type Safety:

    • stoi returns an int, ensuring type safety and clarity in the code.
    • atoi returns an int, but it lacks explicit type information about the conversion success.
  3. Whitespace Handling:

    • stoi ignores leading whitespaces, improving its ability to handle formatted inputs.
    • atoi may misinterpret whitespace, potentially leading to inaccurate conversions.
  4. Range Checking:

    • stoi performs range checking, throwing std::out_of_range if the converted value is outside the representable range.
    • atoi does not perform explicit range checking, potentially leading to undefined behavior for out-of-range values.

Best Practices and Tips for using stoi efficiently:

  1. Exception Handling:

    • Utilize try-catch blocks to handle exceptions thrown by stoi for robust error management.
  2. Input Validation:

    • Always validate user input or external data before applying stoi to avoid unexpected behavior.
  3. Use of Additional Parameters:

    • Leverage optional parameters like size_t* pos and int base for specific requirements, enhancing the flexibility of stoi.


In conclusion, understanding the differences between atoi and stoi is crucial for making informed choices in C++ programming. While both functions perform string-to-integer conversions, stoi emerges as the preferred choice in modern C++ due to its improved error handling, type safety, whitespace handling, and range checking capabilities. 

By following best practices and tips, developers can use stoi efficiently, ensuring reliable and secure string-to-integer conversions in their code. Encouraging further exploration and practice allows developers to master these functions and enhance their proficiency in C++ programming.

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