How to Read a File line by line in Python? (with code)

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File handling is a fundamental aspect of programming, allowing developers to store, retrieve, and manipulate data in a structured manner. In Python, file handling is facilitated through built-in functions and methods that make it easy to work with files. Whether you’re reading configuration data, processing large datasets, or simply storing user information, understanding how to effectively handle files in Python is crucial.

Python provides a set of built-in functions, like open(), read(), and write(), to perform various file operations. The open() function is used to open a file and returns a file object, which is then used to read or write data. Once operations on the file are completed, it’s essential to close the file using the close() method to free up system resources.

There are several reasons why reading files line by line is often preferred:

  1. Memory Efficiency: Large files can consume a significant amount of memory if read entirely into memory. Reading a file line by line ensures that only a small portion of the file is loaded into memory at any given time, making it possible to process files that are larger than the available RAM.

  2. Real-time Processing: In scenarios where data is continuously written to a file, such as log files, reading the file line by line allows for real-time or near-real-time processing of new data as it’s added.

  3. Ease of Parsing: Many file formats, like CSV or plain text, are structured with one record per line. Reading files line by line simplifies the parsing process, as each line can be processed as a distinct record or data point.

  4. Error Handling: If a file has corrupted or unexpected data, reading it line by line allows for better error handling. You can easily skip over problematic lines or halt processing with detailed error messages about the specific line causing the issue.

What we will learn in this post?

  1. Basics of File Handling in Python
  2. Reading a File Line by Line
  3. Reading a File into a List
  4. Using List Comprehensions for Efficient File Reading
  5. Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Basics of File Handling in Python

File handling is a core aspect of many programming tasks. Whether you’re storing user data, reading configuration settings, or processing text-based datasets, understanding the basics of file handling in Python is essential. Let’s delve into the foundational concepts.

1. Opening a File

To work with a file, you first need to open it using the open() function. This function returns a file object, which you use to read or write data.


					file_object = open(filename, mode)

  • filename: The name of the file you want to open.
  • mode: The mode in which you want to open the file. Common modes include:
    • 'r': Read (default). Opens the file for reading.
    • 'w': Write. Opens the file for writing (creates a new file or truncates an existing file).
    • 'a': Append. Opens the file for writing (creates a new file or appends to an existing file).
    • 'b': Binary mode. Reads/writes the file in binary format (e.g., 'rb' or 'wb').


					# Opening a file named 'sample.txt' in read mode
file = open('sample.txt', 'r')


2. Reading from a File

Once a file is opened in read mode, you can use various methods to read its content.

  • read(): Reads the entire file content.
					content =

  • readline(): Reads a single line from the file.
					line = file.readline()

  • readlines(): Reads all lines in a file and returns them as a list.
					lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:


3. Writing to a File

If a file is opened in write or append mode, you can write data to it.

  • write(): Writes a string to the file.
					file = open('sample.txt', 'w')
file.write("Hello, World!")

  • writelines(): Writes a list of strings to the file.
					lines_to_write = ["Hello, World!", "Welcome to Python file handling."]


4. Closing a File

After performing operations on a file, it’s crucial to close it using the close() method. This releases the resources associated with the file and ensures that all data is written to disk.



5. Using the with Statement

A more Pythonic way to handle files is by using the with statement. It ensures that the file is properly closed after its suite finishes.

					# Reading a file using 'with' statement
with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file:
    content =


In the above example, you don’t need to explicitly call file.close(). The with statement takes care of it.

Reading a File Line by Line in Python

Reading a file line by line is a common operation in Python, especially when dealing with text files like logs, data dumps, configuration files, etc. Reading line by line is memory-efficient and often simplifies the parsing process. Let’s see how this can be achieved in Python.

1. Using a for loop with File Object

When a file object is iterated over with a for loop, it reads each line in the file one by one. This method is memory-efficient as it doesn’t load the entire file into memory.

					# Opening the file in read mode
with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file:
    for line in file:


In this example:

  • The with statement ensures that the file is properly closed after reading.
  • The for loop iterates over the file object, reading one line at a time.

2. Using the readline() Method

The readline() method of a file object reads a single line from the file. When called repeatedly, it continues to return to the next line until the end of the file is reached.

					with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file:
    line = file.readline()
    while line:
        line = file.readline()


In this approach:

  • The readline() the method reads the first line initially.
  • The while loop continues reading and printing lines until an empty string (indicating the end of the file) is returned by readline().

3. Using the readlines() Method (with caution)

The readlines() method reads all lines in a file and returns them as a list. While this method can be used to read lines, it’s not memory-efficient for large files as it loads the entire file into memory.

					with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()
    for line in lines:


Advantages of Reading Line by Line:

  1. Memory Efficiency: Especially for large files, reading line by line ensures that only a small portion of the file is in memory at any given time.
  2. Ease of Parsing: Many file formats are structured with one record per line. Reading line by line simplifies the parsing process.
  3. Flexibility: You can easily apply conditions or filters when reading line by line, processing only the lines you’re interested in.

Interactive Program to Read a File Line by Line

					def read_file_line_by_line(filename, num_lines=None):
    Reads and prints the content of a file line by line.
    - filename: The name of the file to read.
    - num_lines: The number of lines to read (default is None, which reads all lines).
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        count = 0
        for line in file:
            print(line, end='')  # end='' to avoid double newlines
            count += 1
            if num_lines and count >= num_lines:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get the filename from the user
    filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

    # Check if the file exists
        with open(filename, 'r'):
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Error: The file '{filename}' was not found.")

    # Get the number of lines to read
    num_lines = input("Enter the number of lines you want to read (or press Enter to read the whole file): ")
    if num_lines:
        num_lines = int(num_lines)

    # Read and print the file content
    print("\n--- File Content ---\n")
    read_file_line_by_line(filename, num_lines)


Sample Input and Output:

					Enter the name of the file you want to read: sample.txt
Enter the number of lines you want to read (or press Enter to read the whole file): 3

--- File Content ---

Line 1 of the file.
Line 2 of the file.
Line 3 of the file.


Reading a File into a List in Python

When working with files in Python, there are scenarios where you might want to read the entire file content and store each line as an element in a list. This approach is particularly useful when you need to perform operations on individual lines, such as filtering, sorting, or modifying the content.

1. Using the readlines() Method

The readlines() method of a file object reads all lines in a file and returns them as a list. Each line (including the newline character) becomes an element in the list.

					with open('filename.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()


2. Using List Comprehension with File Object

You can also use list comprehension to read lines from a file object. This method is flexible and allows you to apply transformations to each line, such as stripping newline characters.

					with open('filename.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = [line.strip() for line in file]


Interactive Program to Read a File into a List

					def read_file_into_list(filename):
    Reads the content of a file and returns it as a list of lines.
    - filename: The name of the file to read.
    - A list containing lines from the file.
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        lines = [line.strip() for line in file]
    return lines

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get the filename from the user
    filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

    # Check if the file exists
        lines = read_file_into_list(filename)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Error: The file '{filename}' was not found.")

    # Display the lines from the file
    print("\n--- File Content ---\n")
    for line in lines:


Sample Input and Output:

					Enter the name of the file you want to read: sample.txt

--- File Content ---

First line of the file.
Second line of the file.
Third line of the file.


Reading a File into a List in Python

Reading a file’s content into a list can be beneficial when you want to manipulate or analyze the data in ways that require random access to lines, sorting, filtering, or other list-based operations. In Python, there are several methods to achieve this.

1. Using the readlines() Method

The readlines() method of a file object reads the entire file and returns its content as a list of lines. Each line (including the newline character) becomes an element in the list.

					with open('filename.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()



  • The open() function is used to open the file in read mode.
  • The readlines() method reads all the lines in the file and stores them in the lines list.
  • Each line in the file becomes a separate element in the list.

2. Using List Comprehension with File Object

List comprehension provides a concise way to create lists. When combined with file objects, it offers a flexible method to read lines from a file and simultaneously apply transformations, such as removing newline characters or other processing.

					with open('filename.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = [line.strip() for line in file]



  • The file is opened in read mode.
  • The list comprehension iterates over each line in the file.
  • The strip() method is used to remove any leading and trailing whitespace, including the newline character.
  • The processed line is then added to the lines list.

Interactive Program to Read a File into a List

					def read_file_into_list(filename):
    Reads the content of a file and returns it as a list of lines.
    - filename: The name of the file to read.
    - A list containing lines from the file.
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        lines = [line.strip() for line in file]
    return lines

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get the filename from the user
    filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

    # Attempt to read the file into a list
        lines = read_file_into_list(filename)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Error: The file '{filename}' was not found.")

    # Display the lines from the file
    print("\n--- File Content ---\n")
    for line in lines:


Sample Input and Output:

					Enter the name of the file you want to read: sample.txt

--- File Content ---

First line of the file.
Second line of the file.
Third line of the file.


Using List Comprehensions for Efficient File Reading

List comprehensions provide a concise and readable way to create lists in Python. When it comes to file reading, they can be particularly useful for processing and filtering data on-the-fly as the file is read.

1. Basic Use of List Comprehension with File Objects

At its core, a list comprehension provides a way to generate a list by iterating over an iterable and applying an optional condition and/or transformation.

					with open('filename.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = [line.strip() for line in file]



  • The open() function is used to open ‘filename.txt’ in read mode.
  • The list comprehension iterates over each line in the file.
  • For each line, the strip() method is applied, which removes leading and trailing whitespace, including newline characters.
  • The result is a list where each item is a cleaned-up line from the file.

2. Filtering Lines with List Comprehension

One of the strengths of list comprehensions is the ability to incorporate conditions, allowing for efficient filtering of data.

					with open('filename.txt', 'r') as file:
    info_lines = [line.strip() for line in file if line.startswith("INFO:")]



  • As before, the file is opened in read mode.
  • The list comprehension checks each line with the condition line.startswith("INFO:").
  • Only lines that satisfy this condition (i.e., lines that start with “INFO:”) are processed and added to the info_lines list.

Interactive Example:

					def filter_lines_from_file(filename, keyword):
    Uses list comprehension to filter lines from a file based on a keyword.
    - filename: The name of the file to read.
    - keyword: The keyword to filter lines by.
    - A list of lines containing the keyword.
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        filtered_lines = [line.strip() for line in file if keyword in line]
    return filtered_lines

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to filter: ")
    keyword = input("Enter the keyword to filter lines by: ")

        lines = filter_lines_from_file(filename, keyword)
        print(f"\nLines containing '{keyword}':\n")
        for line in lines:
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Error: The file '{filename}' was not found.")


Sample Input and Output:

					Enter the name of the file you want to filter: logs.txt
Enter the keyword to filter lines by: ERROR

Lines containing 'ERROR':

ERROR: Failed to connect to database.
ERROR: Timeout occurred during data fetch.


Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

1. Memory Considerations:

  • Best Practice: Be mindful of memory usage, especially with large files. List comprehensions store the entire result in memory, which can be problematic with massive datasets.
  • Pitfall: Using list comprehensions on very large files without understanding the memory implications can lead to performance issues or even crashes.

2. Error Handling:

  • Best Practice: Implement error handling using try and except blocks to manage potential issues, such as missing files or permission errors.
  • Pitfall: Neglecting error handling can result in ungraceful program termination and poor user experience.

3. Closing Files:

  • Best Practice: Always ensure files are closed after operations. The with statement is the recommended approach as it automatically closes the file after the nested block of code.
  • Pitfall: Leaving files open can consume system resources and might lead to data corruption in write scenarios.

4. Readability:

  • Best Practice: While list comprehensions are powerful, they should remain readable. If a comprehension becomes too intricate, it might be clearer to use traditional loops.
  • Pitfall: Crafting overly complex list comprehensions can make the code harder for others (and your future self) to understand.


File handling is a cornerstone of many programming tasks, and Python offers a rich set of tools to make this process efficient and intuitive. Through this tutorial, we’ve explored various methods to read files, with a particular emphasis on list comprehensions.

These compact and expressive constructs not only make the code more readable but also offer powerful ways to process and filter data on-the-fly. By understanding and combining these techniques, developers can handle a wide range of file processing tasks with ease and efficiency.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

The with statement ensures that the file is properly closed after its suite finishes, even if an exception is raised. This helps in resource management and avoids potential data corruption.

While list comprehensions are primarily for creating lists, the resulting list can be used in conjunction with file write operations. However, the act of writing to a file within a list comprehension isn’t idiomatic and can lead to readability issues.

Yes, when using list comprehensions (or any method that reads an entire file into memory), there’s a risk of consuming too much memory with large files. For very large files, consider reading line-by-line or using tools designed for large-scale data processing.

Python provides exception handling mechanisms, such as try and except blocks. For file operations, common exceptions to handle include FileNotFoundError and PermissionError.

It’s not strictly necessary, but often it’s desirable. When reading lines from a file using methods like readlines(), each line will end with a newline character (\n). Stripping these can make subsequent processing cleaner.

You can open the file in binary mode with open(filename, 'rb'). However, the file will be read in bytes. If you’re processing text, you’ll need to decode the bytes to strings, e.g., line.decode('utf-8').strip() within the list comprehension.

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