How to Remove Duplicates from a List in Python? (with code)

Lists are one of the most fundamental and versatile data structures. They are similar to dynamic arrays, capable of holding an ordered collection of objects, which can be of any type. Python, with its simplicity and power, provides an intuitive way to work with lists. However, like any data structure, lists come with their own challenges. One such challenge is the presence of duplicate objects or elements.

Imagine you’re compiling a list of email subscribers, and you notice that some email addresses appear more than once. Or perhaps you are collecting data from sensors, and due to some glitches, some data points are recorded multiple times. These repetitions, known as duplicates, can cause inaccuracies in data analysis, increased memory usage, and even errors in some algorithms.

But why do duplicates matter, and why should we be concerned about them? There are many reasons. From ensuring data integrity to optimizing memory and ensuring the accuracy of data analysis, handling duplicates is an important aspect of data management in Python.

In this guide, we’ll embark on a journey to understand what duplicates are in a list, why they may appear, and most importantly, different ways to remove them efficiently. Whether you’re just starting out with Python or are an experienced developer looking for a refresher, this guide aims to provide a clear and concise overview of handling duplicates in Python lists.

In the context of programming and data structures, a list is a collection of objects that can be of any data type, such as integers, strings, or even other lists. These things are called elements. When two or more elements in a list have the same value, they are considered duplicates.

For example, consider the list: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3].

In this list, numbers 2 and 3 occur more than once, so they are duplicates.

Why might you want to remove duplicates?

There are several reasons why someone might want to remove duplicates from a list:

  • Data integrity: Duplicates can sometimes be the result of errors in data collection or processing. By removing duplicates, you ensure that each item in the list is unique, thereby maintaining the integrity of your data.
  • Efficiency: Duplicates can take up unnecessary space in memory. If you’re working with large datasets, removing duplicates can help optimize memory usage.
  • Accurate analysis: If you’re doing statistical analysis or data visualization, duplicates can skew your results. For example, if you are calculating the average of a list of numbers, duplicates may affect the result.
  • User experience: In applications where users interact with lists (for example, a list of search results or product listings), showing duplicate items can be unnecessary and confusing.
  • Database operations: When inserting data into a database, especially in relational databases, duplicates may violate unique constraints or lead to redundant records.
  • Algorithm Requirements: Some algorithms require input lists of unique elements to function correctly or optimally.

Example of a list with duplicates

In the world of programming, real-world data is often messy and incomplete. When dealing with lists in Python, it is common to encounter duplicates. For example, suppose you are collecting feedback ratings from a website, and due to some technical glitches, some ratings are recorded multiple times. Your list might look something like this:

					ratings = [5, 4, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2, 4, 5]


In the above list, the rating 5 appears four times, 4 appears twice, and 3 appears twice. These repetitions are the duplicates we’re referring to.

The challenge of preserving order

Removing duplicates may seem simple at first glance. One can simply think of converting the list into a set, which naturally does not allow duplicates. However, there is a problem: sets do not preserve the order of elements. In many scenarios, the order of elements in a list is important.

Let’s take the example of our ratings. If the ratings were given in chronological order, converting the list to a set and then back to a list would lose this chronological information. The original order in which the ratings were given will be destroyed.

					# Using set to remove duplicates
unique_ratings = list(set(ratings))
print(unique_ratings)  # The order might be different from the original list


In data analysis, orders often contain important information. For example, a time series of stock prices, temperature readings, or even the sequence of DNA bases in bioinformatics. Preserving this order when removing duplicates becomes a challenge that requires a more subtle solution than just a simple set transformation.

Methods to Remove Duplicates from a List

Lists are a fundamental data structure in Python, often used to store collections of objects. However, as data is collected, processed, or manipulated, duplicates can be inadvertently introduced into these lists. Duplicates can lead to inaccuracies in data analysis, increased memory usage, and potential errors in some algorithms.

Therefore, we need to have techniques to efficiently remove these duplicates while considering other factors such as preserving the order of elements.

List of Methods to Remove Duplicates:

  1. Using a Loop: A basic approach where we iterate over the list and construct a new list without duplicates.

  2. Using List Comprehension: A concise method that leverages Python’s list comprehension feature combined with sets to filter out duplicates.

  3. Using the set Data Type: A direct method that uses the properties of sets to eliminate duplicates but might not preserve order.

  4. Using dict.fromkeys(): A method that exploits the uniqueness of dictionary keys to remove duplicates while maintaining the order.

  5. Using Python Libraries: There are built-in Python libraries like itertools and collections that offer tools to handle duplicates.

  6. Custom Functions for Complex Data Types: For lists containing complex data types like objects or dictionaries, custom functions might be needed to define uniqueness and remove duplicates.

Now we will start with explanation of each method, one by one.

1. Using a Loop

One of the most intuitive ways to remove duplicates from a list in Python is to use a loop. This method involves repeating the original list and creating a new list that only contains unique items. Although this is straightforward and easy to understand, it is important to be aware of its performance characteristics, especially with large lists. Let us know about this method in detail.

Code Example

					def remove_duplicates(input_list):
    no_duplicates = []  # Initialize an empty list to store unique items
    for item in input_list:  # Iterate over each item in the input list
        if item not in no_duplicates:  # Check if the item is already in our unique list
            no_duplicates.append(item)  # If not, add it to our unique list
    return no_duplicates

					# Input
sample_list = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]

# Output
[1, 2, 3, 4]



  • We start by initializing an empty list called no_duplicates. This list will house our unique items as we identify them.
  • We then iterate over each item in the input_list using a for loop.
  • For each item, we check if it already exists in our no_duplicates list, using the if condition if the item is not in no_duplicates.
  • If the item is not already in our no_duplicates list (ie, it is unique), we add it to the no_duplicates list.
  • Once the loop completes, we have a list (no_duplicates) containing all the unique items from the original list, preserving their order. We return this list.

2. Using List Comprehension to Remove Duplicates

List comprehensions are a concise and expressive way of creating lists in Python. By combining list comprehension with sets, we can efficiently filter out duplicates from a list while preserving the order of the original elements. This method is not only concise but also relatively efficient for most use cases.


We start by initializing an empty set named seen. This set will be used to keep track of items we’ve already encountered as we iterate through the input_list.

					    seen = set()

List Comprehension:
					    return [item for item in input_list if item not in seen and not seen.add(item)]


This line is the heart of the function and uses list comprehension to create a new list:

  1. item for item in input_list: This part of the comprehension iterates over each item in the input_list.

  2. if item not in seen: This condition checks if the current item is not already in the seen set.

  3. and not seen.add(item): This is a clever use of Python’s short-circuiting behavior. If the first condition (item not in seen) is True, then the seen.add(item) part is executed. The add method of a set doesn’t return any meaningful value (it returns None), so the not operator always evaluates to True. This means the item is added to the seen set and the condition always holds, allowing the item to be included in the output list.

					def remove_duplicates(input_list):
    seen = set()  # Initialize an empty set to keep track of seen items
    return [item for item in input_list if item not in seen and not seen.add(item)]

# Input
sam_list = [11, 13, 15, 16, 13, 15, 16, 11]
print("The original list is:", sam_list)

# Removing duplicates using list comprehension
result = remove_duplicates(sam_list)

# Output
print("The list after removing duplicates:", result)

					The original list is: [11, 13, 15, 16, 13, 15, 16, 11]
The list after removing duplicates: [11, 13, 15, 16]


This method is more efficient than the simple loop method for large lists because checking membership in a set (items are not visible) is generally faster than checking membership in a list. The combined use of list comprehensions and sets makes this method both concise and efficient. However, it may be a little difficult for beginners to understand at first glance.

3. Using the set Data Type to Remove Duplicates

Set is a built-in data type in Python that represents an unordered collection of unique elements. By its nature, a set does not allow duplicate values. This property makes it an obvious choice for removing duplicates from a list. However, although this is efficient, there is a tradeoff: since sets are unordered, the original order of the elements in the list cannot be preserved when using this method.

					def remove_duplicates(input_list):
    return list(set(input_list))

# Input
sample_list = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
result = remove_duplicates(sample_list)

# Output
print("Original List:", sample_list)
print("List without duplicates:", result)


Expected Output:

					Original List: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
List without duplicates: [1, 2, 3, 4]



Conversion to Set: return list(set(input_list))

This line first converts the input_list to a set using set(input_list). This transformation automatically removes any duplicate values. However, since the set is unordered, the original order of the list may be lost.

Conversion back to list:
The outerList() function then transforms the set back into a list. This is necessary if you want results in list format, which is often the case.

In my opinion, the method using the set data type is one of the most effective ways to remove duplicates from a list, especially for large lists. However, the potential loss of the original order may be a drawback in scenarios where the order matters. If it is necessary to preserve order, other methods such as using a loop or list comprehension combined with a set would be more appropriate.

4. Using dict.fromkeys() to Remove Duplicates

Dictionaries in Python are collections of key-value pairs where keys are unique. The dict.fromkeys() method is a class method that allows creating a new dictionary with keys from a provided iterable and values set to a specified value (default is None). By using this method, we can efficiently remove duplicates from a list while preserving the order of the original elements.

					def remove_duplicates(input_list):
    return list(dict.fromkeys(input_list))

# Input
sample_list = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
result = remove_duplicates(sample_list)

# Output
print("Original List:", sample_list)
print("List without duplicates:", result)

					Original List: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
List without duplicates: [1, 2, 3, 4]



Using dict.fromkeys(): return list(dict.fromkeys(input_list))

This line uses dict.fromkeys(input_list) to create a dictionary where keys are unique elements of input_list. Since dictionary keys are unique, any duplicates will be automatically removed from the input list. Additionally, since Python 3.7, dictionaries preserve insertion order, ensuring that the order of elements in the original list is preserved.

Conversion back to list:
The outerList() function then converts the keys of the dictionary into a list, giving us a list without duplicates.

The method using dict.fromkeys() is both efficient and system-preserving. This is especially useful in Python 3.7 and later where dictionaries maintain entry order. This method provides a good balance between performance and order preservation, making it a popular choice for removing duplicates from lists.

5. Using Python Libraries to Remove Duplicates

1. Using itertools.groupby()

itertools.groupby() function groups consecutive duplicate elements into an iterable. When used with a sorted list, it can help remove all duplicates.

Code example:
					import itertools

def remove_duplicates(input_list):
    input_list.sort()  # Sort the list
    return [key for key, group in itertools.groupby(input_list)]

# Input
sample_list = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
result = remove_duplicates(sample_list)

# Output
print("Original List:", sample_list)
print("List without duplicates:", result)

					Original List: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
List without duplicates: [1, 2, 3, 4]

2. Using collections.Counter():

The collections.Counter() function counts the occurrences of each element in a list. It can be used to identify unique elements.

Code Example:

					from collections import Counter

def remove_duplicates(input_list):
    return list(Counter(input_list).keys())

# Input
sample_list = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
result = remove_duplicates(sample_list)

# Output
print("Original List:", sample_list)
print("List without duplicates:", result)

					Original List: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
List without duplicates: [1, 2, 3, 4]

  • The itertools.groupby() method requires the list to be sorted first, which might change the original order if the list isn’t already sorted. However, it’s efficient for lists that are already sorted or when the original order doesn’t matter.

  • The collections.Counter() method preserves the original order of the first occurrence of each element, making it suitable for scenarios where order matters. It’s also concise and easy to understand.

Both methods provide efficient ways to remove duplicates from lists, but the best choice depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

Performance Considerations

1. Using a Loop:

  • Time Complexity: O(n^2)

    • This is because, for each element in the list, we check if it’s in the no_duplicates list, which can take up to O(n) time in the worst case. This check is done for all n elements.
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

    • We store the unique elements in the no_duplicates list, which, in the worst case (when all elements are unique), can be of size n.
  • When to use: This method is suitable for smaller lists where performance isn’t a primary concern. It’s straightforward and easy to understand.

2. Using List Comprehension with Sets:

  • Time Complexity: O(n)

    • Iterating over the list takes O(n) time, and checking membership in a set (as well as adding to a set) is an average-case O(1) operation.
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

    • We use a set to keep track of seen elements, which can have a size of up to n in the worst case.
  • When to use: This method offers a good balance between performance and simplicity. It’s suitable for larger lists and when order preservation is required.

3. Using the set Data Type:

  • Time Complexity: O(n)

    • Converting a list to a set takes O(n) time.
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

    • The set used to store unique elements can have a size of up to n.
  • When to use: This method is efficient for removing duplicates but doesn’t preserve order. It’s suitable for scenarios where order doesn’t matter.

4. Using dict.fromkeys():

  • Time Complexity: O(n)

    • Creating a dictionary with keys from the list takes O(n) time.
  • Space Complexity: O(n)

    • The dictionary used to store unique elements as keys can have a size of up to n.
  • When to use: This method is both efficient and order-preserving. It’s suitable for scenarios where order matters and for Python versions 3.7 and above where dictionaries maintain insertion order.

5. Using Python Libraries (itertools.groupby() and collections.Counter()):

  • Time Complexity: O(n log n) for itertools.groupby() (due to the sorting step) and O(n) for collections.Counter().

  • Space Complexity: O(n) for both methods.

  • When to use:

    • itertools.groupby() is suitable for lists that are already sorted or when the original order doesn’t matter.
    • collections.Counter() is suitable for scenarios where order matters and a concise solution is preferred.


The best method to use depends on the specific requirements of the task, the size of the list, and whether it is important to preserve the order of the elements. For most common scenarios, using list comprehensions with sets or dict.fromkeys() provides a good balance between performance and order preservation.

Advanced Scenarios

1. Removing Duplicates from Nested Lists

Challenges with nested lists:

Nested lists, or lists within lists, present a unique challenge when removing duplicates. The primary issue is that lists in Python are mutable and, as such, cannot be members of a set directly. This is because mutable objects are not hashable. Therefore, traditional methods that rely on sets or dictionaries might not work out of the box.

Code Example:

One way to handle this is by converting the inner lists to tuples, which are immutable and can be added to sets.

					def remove_duplicates_from_nested_list(nested_list):
    seen = set()
    no_duplicates = []
    for item in nested_list:
        tuple_item = tuple(item)
        if tuple_item not in seen:
    return no_duplicates

# Input
sample_list = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [5, 6]]
result = remove_duplicates_from_nested_list(sample_list)

# Output
print("Original Nested List:", sample_list)
print("Nested List without duplicates:", result)


2. Removing Duplicates Based on Custom Criteria

When dealing with a list of objects, we might want to remove duplicates based on a specific attribute of the objects rather than the entire object.

Code Example:

Imagine we have a list of Person objects, and we want to remove duplicates based on their id attribute.

					class Person:
    def __init__(self, id, name): = id = name

def remove_duplicates_based_on_id(person_list):
    seen_ids = set()
    no_duplicates = []
    for person in person_list:
        if not in seen_ids:
    return no_duplicates

# Input
p1 = Person(1, "Alice")
p2 = Person(2, "Bob")
p3 = Person(1, "Charlie")  # Duplicate ID as Alice
sample_list = [p1, p2, p3]
result = remove_duplicates_based_on_id(sample_list)

# Output
print("Original List:", [ for person in sample_list])
print("List without duplicates:", [ for person in result])


Final Thoughts

Advanced scenarios require a deeper understanding of data structures and the specific requirements of the task. Whether it’s nested lists or custom objects, the key is to identify a unique, hashable representation for each item to effectively filter out duplicates.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

1. Overlooking Order Preservation:

  • Issue: Some methods, like converting a list to a set, do not preserve the order of the original list. In many scenarios, especially in data analysis or sequences, the order of elements is crucial.

  • Solution: Always be aware of the requirements regarding order preservation. If order matters, opt for methods like dict.fromkeys(), list comprehension with sets, or looping through the list.

2. Not Considering Nested Lists or Complex Data Structures:

  • Issue: Basic methods might fail or produce incorrect results when the list contains nested lists or complex data structures. For instance, lists are not hashable and cannot be added to sets directly.

  • Solution: For nested lists, consider converting inner lists to tuples or use custom logic. For complex data structures, define criteria for uniqueness and handle them accordingly.

3. Memory Overhead in Certain Methods:

  • Issue: Some methods, especially those that involve creating new data structures like sets or dictionaries, can have significant memory overhead. This can be a concern with very large lists.

  • Solution: Evaluate the memory constraints of your application. If memory usage is a concern, consider methods that modify the list in place or use more memory-efficient data structures.


Recap of Methods Discussed:

  • Looping through the list: Simple and intuitive but not the most efficient for large lists.

  • List Comprehension with Sets: A concise and efficient method that preserves order.

  • Using the set Data Type: Efficient but does not preserve order.

  • Using dict.fromkeys(): Both efficient and order-preserving.

  • Python Libraries: Tools like itertools.groupby() and collections.Counter() offer additional ways to handle duplicates.

Best Practices for Removing Duplicates:

  1. Understand the Requirements: Before choosing a method, understand the requirements regarding order preservation, memory usage, and the nature of the data.

  2. Test with Different Data Types: If your list can contain different data types or structures, test the chosen method with various scenarios to ensure correctness.

  3. Opt for Readability: Especially in collaborative environments, it’s often better to choose a method that’s more readable and understandable, even if it’s slightly less efficient.

  4. Consider Memory Usage: For very large lists, be aware of the memory overhead of creating additional data structures.

  5. Stay Updated: Python, being a continually evolving language, might introduce new methods or optimizations in future versions. Stay updated with the latest best practices.

By understanding the nuances of each method and being aware of common pitfalls, you can effectively and efficiently handle duplicates in Python lists, ensuring data integrity and optimal performance.


Removing Duplicates from a List in Python

Duplicates can lead to inaccuracies in data analysis, increased memory usage, and potential errors in certain algorithms. Removing duplicates ensures data integrity and can optimize performance.

No, the basic set data type does not guarantee order preservation. However, if order preservation is essential, other methods like dict.fromkeys() or list comprehension with sets can be used.

Lists in Python are mutable and, as such, cannot be members of a set directly because mutable objects are not hashable. Therefore, traditional methods that rely on sets or dictionaries might not work directly with nested lists.

The dict.fromkeys() method creates a new dictionary with keys from the provided list and values set to a specified default value. Since dictionary keys are unique, this method automatically filters out duplicates. Moreover, dictionaries maintain insertion order (in Python 3.7 and later), ensuring order preservation.

Yes, methods that involve creating new data structures, like sets or dictionaries, can have significant memory overhead. It’s essential to evaluate the memory constraints of your application and choose a method accordingly.

You can define a custom criterion for uniqueness, such as an attribute of the object, and then loop through the list, adding objects to the result only if that specific attribute hasn’t been seen before.

Methods that leverage the properties of sets, like list comprehension with sets or dict.fromkeys(), are generally more efficient for very large lists. However, the exact best method might depend on the specific requirements and constraints of the task.

The set data type in Python does not preserve the order of elements. If you need to maintain the original order, consider using other methods like dict.fromkeys() or list comprehension with sets.

Yes, Python’s standard library offers tools like itertools.groupby() and collections.Counter() that can assist in handling duplicates in lists.

Always test the chosen method with various scenarios, including edge cases. Consider different data types, orders, and structures to ensure the method’s correctness.

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